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  • Rocco & Chill πŸ₯‚, Electric Dreams πŸ’«

Rocco & Chill πŸ₯‚, Electric Dreams πŸ’«

Sleek Mini Fridge 🍹, An Electric Lighter πŸ”₯, & AI Summarizers πŸ“š

A Fridge To Match Your Drinks 🍸

Picture this: you're throwing a party, and your wine is chilling in the wine fridge, playing it cool. Meanwhile, everything else is crammed into the regular fridge, flaunting your last night's leftovers for all to see (and smell). 😱 You are a cool entertainer and that’s not cool.

How about a fridge that accommodates all your party beverages and looks good doing it? Enter Rocco – a smartΒ mini fridge that knows how to party πŸŽ‰.

Rocco Smart Mini Fridge Front View

Rocco Smart Mini Fridge Front View

The fridge is perfectly sizedΒ to sidle up next to your sofa like a side table. It has isolated temperature zones so you can cool some drinks more than others. It has adjustable racks to accommodates our modern drinking choices, from ready-to-drink cocktails, sodas to craft beers. Rocco's surface works as a makeshift bar cart. So all in all, no need to make that trek to the kitchen; serve your friends straight from the living room.

Rocco Smart Mini Fridge In Action

Rocco Smart Mini Fridge In Action

This fridge’s good looks are a conversation starter, bringing a retro-modern vibe to your space, something that the makers were intentional about.

Rocco Smart Mini Fridge Racks

Rocco Smart Mini Fridge Racks

Hit reply and let me know if you think this is a good idea. πŸ™ŒπŸ½

Light your (electric) fire ! πŸ”₯πŸ’«

While you are entertaining, don't forget to show off another life upgrade - an electric candle lighter.

Its a taser for candlesΒ πŸ”₯. And it feels like something out of a Bond movie. High time we said bye to those fuel lighters which I don't know what to do with once fuel runs out. As for matches, I have never come across that section in a grocery store πŸ€”

Motli Electric Lighter

Motli Electric Lighter

The fun part about the lighters is the colours. Here is Motli in many colours, here is Suprus of the tiktok viral fame, and here is the one I have. I like this one because it has the ability to bend.

MEIRUBY Electric Lighter

MEIRUBY Electric Lighter

Hit reply and let me know which one are you most excited about! πŸ•―οΈ

Read Fast πŸ€“, Make Things 😎

Get some time back with AI summarizers. If you do a lot of reading-watching-listening online and would rather prefer to have summaries of the content and if you do mountains of business reading and would rather get the TLDR, then consider using an AI summarizer.

Reading quickly like an AI

This could be you

Here are a few places to start:

  • Summarify - can summarize freeform text, audio, video, pdf and web url.

  • Upword - Great for summarizing large pdf files.

  • Chatpdf - Upload your pdf and chat with it. HiPDF does this too and so does pdf.ai

  • Audioread - have AI read to you your articles, pdf, texts, emails..

  • TubeOnAi - for YouTube summaries. Just add your favourite channels and get the summaries of the latest videos

  • TLDRthis - Upload a document to the app or paste a url if you are using the chrome extension and get TLDRs

Have fun playing Cliffs Notes with everything!

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